Dance Education Around the World
Author: Charlotte Svendler Nielsen (Editor), Stephanie Burridge (Editor), Sir Ken Robinson (Foreword)
Paperback: April 13. 2015
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Dance has the power to change the lives of young people. It is a force in shaping identity, affirming culture and exploring heritage in an increasingly borderless world. Creative and empowering pedagogies are driving curriculum development worldwide where the movement of peoples and cultures generates new challenges and possibilities for dance education in multiple contexts. In Dance Education around the World: Perspectives on Dance, Young People and Change, writers across the globe come together to reflect, comment on and share their expertise and experiences. The settings are drawn from a spectrum of countries with contributions from Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Asia, the Pacific and Africa giving insights and fresh perspectives into contrasting ideas, philosophies and approaches to dance education from Egypt to Ghana, Brazil to Finland, Jamaica to the Netherlands, the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand and more.
Documenting Dance Education
Author: Dr. Marc Richard
Pages: 4
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"We must become better at identifying what students are actually learning in dance and describing how well they are learning it…Understanding what students are actually learning not only gives us ammunition for advocacy, but it also allows us to further our own thinking about what is worth knowing in dance and why. (Stinson, 2005, p. 220)"