Dear daCi Friends,
We are facing global challenges now with the advancement of the coronavirus. It has presented so many obstacles to everyone that focusing on daCi and our passions sometimes becomes secondary. The issues and obstacles are constantly changing and shifting depending on where in the world we live and work.
Our first focus at this time is to be well, safe and care for those around us. For those we don’t know who are suffering in the face of this virus, our thoughts and healing energies go out to everyone.
We certainly expect that with all these challenges, focusing on daCi, membership, gatherings and ideas toward the future are not our highest priorities. Right now, the 2021 conference application deadline is more than two months away. So, it could be that everything may begin to return to normal at that time and we can once again focus on daCi. If for some reason the crisis is still continuing at that time, we will ask the Toronto conference planners to extend the deadlines. Your health, safety and focus on your home community is our first priority.
So, reach out to our wonderful international dance community for the support and energy we can all share with each other. Please send us any news items of resilience and hope to support us all through this challenging time. Be well, and take care of each other.
Susan Koff, daCi Chair and Jeff Meiners, Chair-Elect