Strategic Plan 2024 – 2027
This Strategic Plan outlines action for our vision, mission, and key goals for the next three years.
The dance and the Child international (daCi) vision states that every child has the right to dance, so that all children and young people can express themselves through dance. Our aim is to create possibilities for children and young people around the world to experience dance as creators, performers and spectators. Through dance they can be physically engaged in the world and connect with others across boundaries of culture, language, age, or socio-economic status.
Our mission is to promote the growth and development of dance for children and young people internationally, with respect for the ethnic, gender, physical, and cultural identities and all abilities of each young person within a spirit of international understanding.
The Executive Committee with National/Regional representatives forms the Advisory Board which manages this Strategic Plan.
The General Council consists of the total membership of daCi.
Our 3-year horizon for strategic action builds upon 2021-2024 Goals and Outcomes. To achieve outcomes over an extended timeframe we will review progress and make necessary adjustments along the way. By growing our community, advocating for dance education, and strengthening our organization, we create opportunities for young people around the world to experience the transformative power of dance.
The following prioritized goals advance our mission directly by increasing participation in dance advocacy and education worldwide, and indirectly by strengthening operations to support our work into the future. We commit to achieving these goals by July 2027:
• Key Goal 1: A well run, sustainable organisation.
• Key Goal 2: Increase member participation, retention and attract new members.
• Key Goal 3: Identify, profile and enable advocacy work by our members.
Key Goals with Outcomes and Key Initiatives are outlined below and we welcome comments or feedback from all members by contacting the daCi Secretary: Anna Mansbridge at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Key Goal 1: A well-run, sustainable organisation
Outcome 1.1: Strengthen governance
• Key initiatives to achieve:
o Maintain Board meeting agendas, cycle, and frequency to ensure alignment with the Constitution and delivery of the Strategic plan.
o Maintain strategic plan monitoring and review mechanism and cycle.
o Identify future talent and establish a Succession Plan and Election Committee for Executive Committee and daCi Country/Region Representative leadership.
o Establish committees to further daCi’s work: Twinning, Outreach, Research, Finance, Elections, Policies, SpringBoard, UNESCO, Awards, Proceedings C Publications, Communications.
o Support elected Country/Region representatives to ensure they understand and deliver on their role and responsibilities as indicated in the Constitution and Representative Guidelines.
o Finalise organisation policies (Communication, Finance, Inclusion, Membership, Safety, Sustainability).
o Clarify and resolve the legal and charitable status of daCi foundational base in Canada.
o Resolve daCi as ‘branch’ of CID (with daCi UNESCO Committee).
o Explore relationship with UNESCO (with daCi UNESCO Committee).
o Manage the daCi Administrator position.
o Update and maintain communication with daCi archives at University of Surrey, UK.
o Establish a ‘Giving’ program to include Donations/Sponsorship/Bequests (individual and corporate).
Outcome 1.2: Improve daCi financial position
• Key initiatives to achieve:
o Review honorary membership provisions of the Constitution to recognise contribution at all levels and develop strategies to connect honorary members with daCi ‘Giving’ programs.
o Request past leaders to contribute to a fund to support daCi Initiatives.
o Explore and pursue philanthropic funding sources.
Key Goal 2: Increase member participation, retention and attract new members
Outcome 2.1: Build a compelling member offer that increases member participation + retention and attracts new members
• Key initiatives to achieve:
o Maintain and evolve our international newsletter/communications approaches (including membership lists and global email).
o Maintain, review and evolve our social media presence.
o Review guide to support successful delivery of daCi Connect events.
o Implement the daCi Connect events program across more member countries/regions.
o Plan and deliver international tri-annual conference.
o Nurture and implement new Twinning, Outreach, Research projects in alignment with UNESCO Framework for Culture C Arts Education + daCi Ljubljana Declaration. o Review digitisation of archive material and ensure access to these materials for research and other purposes.
o Establish Awards program (with Awards committee).
Outcome 2.2: Maintain membership system and model
• Key initiatives to achieve:
o Automate membership (financial) renewal process to increase retention.
o Monitor and improve a single international membership database.
o Review fee structures (introduced mid 2024) to ensure alignment with OECD guidance.
o Review responsibilities of elected Country/Region representatives role (Bi-law 7) and identify mechanism(s) to ensure delivery and recruit new members.
Outcome 2.3: Attract new members
• Key initiatives to achieve:
o Identify new countries/regions for daCi membership.
o Support establishment of new chapters in agreed identified countries.
o Explore translation possibilities for website and online communication with members.
Outcome 2.4: Maximise SpringBoard potential
• Key initiatives to achieve:
o Review parameters, process and funding arrangements to ensure continuing participation of SpringBoard members (with SpringBoard committee).
Key Goal 3: Identify, profile and enable advocacy work by our members.
Outcome 3.1: Research daCi advocacy needs and ambition
• Key initiatives to achieve:
o Articulate our advocacy model/approach (i.e., both international and enable country/regional level) in alignment with UNESCO Framework for Culture C Arts Education + daCi Ljubljana Declaration.
o Develop a white paper or policy document outlining strategies for successful dance education advocacy in alignment with UNESCO Framework for Culture C Arts Education + daCi Ljubljana Declaration (e.g., Request examples of successful dance education policies in daCi member countries).
Outcome 3.2: Deliver daCi advocacy agenda
• Key initiatives to achieve:
o Based upon the daCi Ljubljana Declaration, determine a 10-point daCi advocacy framework/position that we believe needs to be in place to achieve the right to access dance for all young people.
o Build advocacy materials for use in countries/regions.
o Establish progress scoreboard/reporting to indicate success and areas for effort.
o Share and promote success stories.
Outcome 3.3: Deliver daCi research program
• Key initiatives to achieve:
o Develop daCi research program with projects as required and funding available. (e.g., Research successful dance education advocacy programs in other dance organisations, Research Internship for a 10-week summer internship or $ per hour.)