A fully constituted branch of the Conseil International de la Danse
Updated by the Executive Committee in May 2024, then finalised March 2025
Approved by Advisory Board in June 2024
Accepted by general membership via email approval, July 2024
Index of Articles and attached By-laws
ARTICLE II Aims and Purposes
ARTICLE IV Address for Contact
ARTICLE V Membership plus By-laws 1 - 3
ARTICLE VI General Management plus By-laws 4 - 7
ARTICLE VII The Executive Committee plus By-laws 8 - 17
ARTICLE VIII Finance plus By-law 18
ARTICLE IX Alterations to the Constitution
ARTICLE X Dissolution
Dance and the Child International, also to be known hereafter as daCi, is a non-profit association founded in 1978 and subsequently entering the Conseil International de la Danse (CID), UNESCO, as an autonomous, fully constituted branch of CID with the aim of promoting the growth and development of dance for children on an international basis.
Aims and Purposes
The aim of Dance and the Child International is to recognise and develop dance for young people in all settings, with respect for the ethnic, gender, physical and cultural identities of each young person within a spirit of international understanding.
Its objectives are to:
- increase and develop opportunities for young people to experience dance as creators, performers and spectators and to do this both within and between countries;
- ensure that the dance interests of young people are recognised and developed;
- preserve and recognize the indigenous and cultural heritage of all forms of dance for young people;
- encourage, advance and make available research into all aspects of dance for, with and related to young people;
- urge all countries to ensure that dance is included in both general education and community programmes;
- facilitate exchange and collaboration related to young people’s dance both within and between countries;
- organize a conference normally at least once every three years.
- facilitate each young person’s ability to make a contribution to society
- foster an intergenerational connection to dancers of all ages
- advocate for the inclusion of dance for all
- foster inclusive dance practices
daCi is established for an unlimited duration of time.
daCi may be contacted through the Chairperson or current Secretary at such an address as may be determined by the Executive Committee, and also through the current address of the Conseil International de la Danse.
Membership of daCi shall be open to all individuals, associations, groups and organisations interested in furthering the purposes and objectives of daCi.
Members, except for Honorary members, shall pay such annual subscriptions as are determined periodically by the Advisory Board. Annual subscriptions shall be for a twelve (12) month period commencing on such calendar dates as will be determined by the Advisory Board.
Membership of daCi is normally attained via the daCi website through the online payment system. Members automatically join a National / Regional Chapter, or where no National / Regional Chapter exists are aligned with a Country or Region. The daCi Administrator or Treasurer may also advise on payments where no National / Regional Representative exists.
BY-LAW 1: Individual Membership
Individual membership is attained by payment of the annual subscription to be determined periodically by the Advisory Board.
The individual member is entitled to attend the General Council meetings and enjoys full voting powers, including a postal or proxy vote including electronic vote via email.
The individual member is entitled to all privileges/services of daCi as may exist at any given time.
BY-LAW 1.2: Unwaged / Retired / Student Memberships (for full time students)
Unwaged / Retired / Student memberships are attained by payment of the annual subscription to be determined periodically by the Advisory Board.
The individual member is entitled to attend the General Council meetings and enjoys full voting powers, including a postal or proxy vote including electronic vote via email.
The individual member is entitled to all privileges/services of daCi as may exist at any given time.
BY-LAW 2: Group Membership
Group membership is attained by payment of the annual group subscription accompanied by the name of the group’s designated representative.
Each group shall be entitled to one vote cast by a designated voting representative at General Council meetings or postal or proxy vote. Other members of the group may attend and participate in the General Council Meetings but not vote.
One designated member of a group at any given time is entitled to all services/privileges of daCi.
BY-LAW 2.1: Institutional Membership
Institutional membership includes faculties in higher education, professional associations, businesses and corporations. Five individuals per organization are eligible for membership privileges (see Individual above).
BY-LAW 3: Honorary Membership
Honorary membership is conferred upon persons who have made significant contributions to daCi or to young people’s dance in some capacity and are nominated by the Executive Committee of daCi and approved by the Advisory Board and General Council.
General Management
daCi is governed internationally by three structures:
- The General Council: The General Council shall consist of the total membership of daCi, who may vote on recommendations put forward by the Advisory Board.
- The Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of at least eight, and no more than ten, members nominated by members of daCi and elected by the Advisory Board.
- The Advisory Board: The Advisory Board shall consist of the Executive Committee and the National / Regional Representatives.
Within some countries, daCi may operate through structures at a national level.
BY-LAW 4: General Council Meetings
(i) The General Council shall meet at international conferences. Special meetings of the General Council may be called by the Chairperson or Secretary, or on written request of one-third of the membership, including at least five countries. At least 28 days’ notice will be given of the General Council meetings to the members, and shall consist of time, place and agenda. Only business stated on the agenda will be undertaken at a special meeting, unless a unanimous vote of approval for the addition of new business is given by those present.
(ii) All current members must be given the opportunity to vote on any action item on any General Council agenda.
(iii) Decisions shall be made by a fifty-five percent (55%) vote. Quorum shall be ten percent (10%) of the General Membership whether by postal ballot or at the General Council.
BY-LAW 5: Advisory Board
(I) Responsibilities of the Advisory Board:
- to elect the Executive Committee,
- to develop policy,
- to approve budgets,
- to approve the conference venue,
- in conjunction with the Executive Committee, to advise the conference chair and committee on structure, content, and publicity for conferences.
(ii) Meetings of the Advisory Board
The Advisory Board shall meet at international conferences and normally at least once between conferences. Additional meetings may be called by the Chairperson or on written request of twenty percent (20%) of the Advisory Board members. Quorum shall be forty percent (40%) of Advisory Board members. Decisions shall be made by majority vote.
At least twenty-eight (28) days’ notice will be given of the Advisory Board meetings to the members, and shall consist of time, place, and agenda. Only business stated on the agenda will be undertaken at a meeting, unless a unanimous vote of approval for the addition of new business is given by those present.
BY-LAW 6: National / Regional Chapters
The members of daCi may form Chapters for particular countries or regions. Normally each country or region may have one Chapter only, in sympathy with the aims of daCi. Each Chapter may organize its own administration and take steps to finance its own activities. Each Chapter will designate a representative to serve on the daCi Advisory Board.
BY-LAW 7: National / Regional Representatives
(i) Selection of Elected/Appointed National / Regional Representatives
In the event that there is only one member from a country or region, the Executive Committee, through the Chair, may designate that member as an Appointed Representative for an initial period of three years. In the event that there is more than one member from a country or region, those members may select one member to serve as Appointed National or Regional Representative for an initial period of three years. At the end of this three-year period, it is expected that formal structures will have been established for the election of an Elected National / Regional Representative from amongst the membership of that country or region. In all instances, daCi members should ensure that representation of a country or region is achieved by democratic means and that normally a regular change of Representative occurs.
In the event that two or more individuals claim to be the Elected Representative, there shall be no National / Regional Representative from that country or region until a resolution is achieved.
(ii) Responsibilities of the Elected National / Regional Representatives
- Attend four international daCi Advisory Board (AB) meetings (in-person or remotely via online platform):
Meeting #1 – held the day after the international conference ends
Meeting #2 – held two years before the next international conference at the venue
Meeting #3 – held remotely via online platform one year before the conference
Meeting #4 – held the day before the international conference begins
- Submit Country / Regional Reports prior to fourth AB meeting;
- Actively recruit to increase daCi membership;
- Establish and maintain regular contact with national / regional members;
- Establish where possible a daCi national / regional chapter;
- Ensure that international membership fees are paid with information sent to the international Treasurer or daCi Administrator;
- Work with the Nominations Committee to elect the Executive Committee;
- Ensure that national / regional submissions are made to the international newsletter in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Advisory Board;
- To link with relevant organisations in order to create a network.
If a National / Regional Representative does not attend four consecutive Advisory Board meetings or send a representative who has proxy, that person does not fulfill his/her duties as defined in BY-LAW 7 and shall no longer hold office.
If a National / Regional Representative is elected to the Executive Committee (International), the Chapter of that country or region is responsible for ensuring a replacement on the Advisory Board.
(iii) Voting rights of Elected National / Regional Representatives
Any member who is unable to attend a meeting of daCi may vote by proxy through another daCi member who may or may not be from the same country or region, provided that notice of proxy has reached the Secretary not later than forty-eight hours prior to the meeting.
The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the body charged with taking action to implement the objectives of daCi, through the following:
- to prepare agendas and accompanying documentation,
- to take executive action in relation to policy determined by the Advisory Board,
- to make financial decisions within the guidelines established by the Advisory Board,
- to ensure regular communication with members on daCi business, through established and unofficial channels,
- to ensure regular representation at CID/UNESCO meetings.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the following members:
- Chairperson
- Chairperson Elect
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Research Officer
- Marketing and Communications Officer
- Members-at-Large (a minimum of three, maximum of five)
- Co-opted members (a maximum of three)
- Past Chairperson for a period of one year after ceasing to be Chair
BY-LAW 8: Election of Executive Committee
(I) The Executive Committee shall be elected every three years.
(ii) The Advisory Board shall appoint a Nominations Committee, which shall be responsible for presenting a slate of candidates for the Executive Committee.
(iii) The Nominations committee shall follow guidelines established by the Advisory Board. These guidelines shall be reviewed by the Advisory Board prior to appointing the Nominations Committee.
(iv) The Executive Committee shall set the dates for the upcoming election, ensuring that the process is completed in sufficient time prior to the conference to facilitate attendance of new officers.
(v) Nominations will be solicited through the National / Regional Representatives and from the membership. All nominations will be sent to the Secretary.
(vi) Any nominee must be a daCi member, and every nomination must be seconded by another daCi member.
(vii) Any nominee must agree to the nomination.
(viii) Any daCi member may nominate himself/herself.
(ix) After the nominations have been received by the Secretary, a secret postal ballot will take place by members of the Advisory Board. Results will be determined by a simple majority of those voting for each position.
(x) Announcement of the results to members of the Advisory Board, the nominees, and the general membership will follow guidelines established by the Advisory Board.
BY-LAW 9: Vacancies and Removal of Officers
Any vacancy occurring amongst the officers of daCi will be filled by temporary appointment by the Executive Committee and ratified at the next meeting of the Advisory Board. In the event of the death or resignation of the Chairperson, the Chairperson Elect, Past Chairperson, or any designated executive member, shall assume office as determined by the Advisory Board by resolution.
The removal of any officer, agent or employee of the organization shall be determined by the Advisory Board by resolution.
BY-LAW 10: daCi SpringBoard
The daCi SpringBoard is an initiative designed to give dancers and dance educators aged 18-30 opportunities to engage with daCi as active members. Aimed at bridging the gap between young people who participate in daCi international congresses as dancers and adults who participate as presenters. The SpringBoard also provides a platform to introduce new members into the daCi community. SpringBoard members are expected to collaborate and exchange ideas over a period of three years, mentored by an appointed daCi Executive Board (EC) member, as they prepare to attend and participate in the upcoming tri-annual international daCi congresses.
The SpringBoard consists of 6 people in total, 2 from the country that is hosting the upcoming international congress and 4 from other parts of the world. If possible, two of these will be from the country hosting the following international congress. Potential candidates are recommended by members of the daCi Executive Committee (EC) and are required to undergo an approved application and selection process by an appointed panel. daCi provides financial support for SpringBoard members to attend their first international congress.
BY-LAW 11: Assumption of Office
When the new Chairperson moves into office at the General Council meeting, the previous Chairperson assumes the position of Past Chairperson and serves for one year. All other members of the Executive assume office at the General Council meeting and serve for three years.
BY-LAW 12: Duties of Chairperson
The Chairperson shall be the Chief Executive Officer of daCi whose responsibility is to ensure that all necessary meetings are called and agendas prepared.
The Chairperson or his/her designate will be the official representative of daCi with other associations, agencies and organizations and shall be liaison officer of daCi with the different levels of government. He/she will assume responsibility for official correspondence on such matters in consultation with the Secretary.
The Chairperson shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of daCi.
The Chairperson shall have powers to act in emergency situations on behalf of daCi without consent of the Executive Committee or the Advisory Board. An attempt must be made to have any action(s) taken ratified by the appropriate body of daCi at the earliest opportunity.
The Chairperson, whom failing, The Chairperson Elect or the past Chairperson, shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the Advisory Board and of the General Council and shall have a deciding vote as well as a deliberate vote.
BY-LAW 13: Duties of the Chairperson Elect
The primary responsibility of the Chairperson Elect is to assist the Chairperson in the execution of the duties of his/her office. In the event of the Chairperson’s inability to perform the duties of office, the Chairperson elect shall assume the functions of the Chairperson.
BY-LAW 14: Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary is responsible for ensuring that proper records of proceedings are kept up-to-date and circulated as appropriate.
The Secretary shall regularly receive from the Administrator an up-to-date list of the Membership of daCi.
The Secretary will have charge of the official correspondence of daCi except in matters where it may be necessary for the Chairperson, as chief officer of the organization, to assume this responsibility.
The Secretary, cooperating with the Chairperson will compile the Agenda of the General Council, Advisory Board and Executive Committee Meetings.
BY-LAW 15: Duties of the Administrator
As of October 2023, if funding permits, the daCi Executive Committee will appoint a daCi Administrator for a specified period with conditions and remuneration agreed upon. The contracted Administrator will work closely with the daCi Chair who will manage this role in consultation with elected officers to support the business management and administration requirements of the organisation.
Duties will include, but are not limited to:
- in conjunction with daCi Secretary, developing and maintaining effective processes for record-keeping and archiving;
- in conjunction with Secretary and Treasurer, ensuring the annual Call for Membership Fees is communicated, together with appropriate reminders;
- in conjunction with Secretary and Treasurer, managing and updating the membership database;
- in conjunction with Secretary, responding to enquiries regarding membership;
- in collaboration with the Marketing & Communications officer and Treasurer, monitoring the website payment system;
- in consultation with the Chair and Marketing & Communications officer, maintaining the design, content and vibrancy of the daCi website on a bi-monthly basis;
- liaising with the Marketing & Communications officer regarding daCi website service provider and domain hosting;
- posting newsletters, updates, articles and communicating with daCi EC, AB and other members about content, updates on a bi-monthly basis;
- responding to people who engage with the website on a regular/daily basis;
- managing and extending daCi’s presence on the website and via social media;
- participating in planning and operational meetings;
- attending General Council meeting at the triennial conference;
- preparing reports as required;
- carrying out other duties as negotiated with the Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee and Advisory Board.
BY-LAW 16: Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the International Account, receive and dispense monies for the organization, execute appropriate banking procedures, maintain and keep records of all financial transactions, prepare financial statements for the Board annually, or on request, prepare financial statements for the General Council for presentation at General meetings, ensure that a notice to readers is carried out by an accountant, formulate financial guidelines for consideration by the Advisory Board, and prepare a budget for the fiscal year as directed by the Advisory Board.
The Treasurer shall oversee the following:
receipt of ‘new member’ and ‘renewal’ fees from the membership system; receipt of all international fees; sending of membership renewal reminders to National / Regional Representatives, and recommendations for membership guidelines or policy for Advisory Board consideration.
Note: The membership list is for the use of members only and may not be duplicated or given in part or in whole to any non-member without permission of the Advisory Board.
BY-LAW 17: Duties of the Research Officer
In association with the Executive Committee, the Research Officer shall coordinate and facilitate communication regarding research among daCi members, which shall promote and enhance the aims and objectives of daCi.
BY-LAW 18: Duties of the Marketing and Communications Officer
In association with the Executive Committee, the Marketing and Communications Officer shall coordinate and facilitate marketing and communication among daCi members, which shall promote and enhance the aims and objectives of daCi.
BY-LAW 19: Duties of the Members-at-Large
Members-at-Large are expected to identify and take on specific responsibilities according to their particular areas of expertise.
Members-at-Large are expected to attend Executive meetings whenever possible and to contribute to the business of daCi.
The Executive Committee shall keep proper accounts of the funds of daCi and shall cause to be prepared a balance sheet audited by a chartered accountant and published together with a financial report of the operation of daCi.
The Treasurer shall maintain all accounting books and financial records; shall determine the acceptance and dispensation of donations; shall be empowered to approve contractual agreements; borrow money on the credit of the organization; approve banking arrangements; and enter into trust arrangements with trust companies.
No Board Member or Officer shall be liable for the acts, negligence or defaults of any other Board Member, Officer or employee, or for loss, damage or misfortune which may happen in the execution of his/her office unless the same should happen through his/her wilful neglect or default.
No member of the organization is in his/her individual capacity liable for any debt or liability of the organization.
BY-LAW 20: Financial Matters
The Treasurer and one other member of the Executive Committee shall possess signing authority for financial matters. The Treasurer has primary signing authority, and in the absence of the Treasurer, the second signatory can fulfil this function should the Treasurer be unavailable.
Alterations to the Constitution
Alterations to the terms of the Constitution may be made by resolution of a 75% majority of the Advisory Board voting, pending final approval by the membership. Final approval must be given by 75% of those members voting. Voting will take place by electronic or postal ballot. The membership must be allowed a reasonable length of time to consider any proposed changes to the Constitution.
Ballots cannot be counted sooner than 21 days following the postmark deadline.
In the event that it is necessary or expedient to dissolve the Dance and the Child International, the General Council shall have power and complete autonomy to realize its assets in any manner it may consider expedient and to take all necessary steps to pay or settle any liabilities there may be. Any assets remaining after meeting all debts, liabilities and expenses shall be made over to any body or bodies which exist for the promotion of similar objectives to those of daCi.